What is the warranty period?

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For all items you purchase from us, the statutory warranty applies. Statutory warranty means that a product is or should do what the consumer can reasonably expect from it. Some products also come with a manufacturer's warranty. This warranty does not affect the statutory warranty.

Warranty conditions:
- The item was ordered through our official website and you can prove this through the order confirmation.
- No changes may have been made to the article (shortening, painting, etc.)
- The article has been used in accordance with the instructions.

Warranty only applies to justified complaints. The complaint is justified if it is not caused by:
- Damage by intent, or by negligence (e.g. washing, fall and/or impact damage)
- Injudicious use or negligent maintenance.
- Normal wear and tear and/or damage due to not or not correctly observing the instructions for use.
- For products with factory guarantees, these do not affect the legal guarantees.

Please contact our service team before returning the item.

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